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Our K-12 Education Webinars cover a broad range of necessary skills and attributes for effective teaching in today's schools. The domains covered include:

Planning and Building

Planning Essentials

Ethics and Professional Behavior 

Michigan Standards 

Developing a Classroom Climate 

Planning the Environment 

Assessment and Evaluation 

Using Student Data 

Disaggregating, Organizing and Reporting Data 

Principles of Fair Student Assessment 

Formative and Summative Assessments



Planning Effective Lessons 

Results-focused Lesson Study 1

Effective Questioning Strategies 

Best Teaching Practices K-6 

Best Teaching Practices 7-12 

Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition 

Homework and Practice 

Best Practices to Address Learning Loss

Child Development 

Essentials of Brain-based Learning 

Childhood Development 

Middle Childhood Development 

The Adolescent Learner 


Teaching In a Digital Environment

Mobil Learning

Google Suite

Microsoft 365

Classroom Management 

Building Community 

Cooperative Learning 

Principles of Restorative Practice 

Restorative Practice Activities in the Classroom 

Positive Intervention Behavior Support (PBIS)

Diverse Learners 

Educational Inclusion 

Teaching Exceptional Students 

Language Acquisition Research 

Sheltered Instruction 

Teaching Literacy Skills to ELL 

Differentiated Instruction 

Background and Connections 

Implementing Differentiated Instruction 

K-6 Strategies 

7-12 Strategies 

Blended Learning

Flipped Classroom

Digital Differentiation

Peronalizaiton of Instruction

Child Development 

Essentials of Brain-based Learning 

Childhood Development 

Middle Childhood Development 

The Adolescent Learner 

Family and Community 

Principles of Diversity 

Effective Parent Relationships

Community Partnerships in the School

Family Mental Health in a Covid World

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