Terms and Conditions
The following are the terms and conditions under which you agree to access material on this website and may also vary depending on circumstance:
While every effort has been made to ensure that the information presented on this website is up to date and accurate, Leadership Matters, LLC. makes no warranties or representations concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information for any purpose other than that specified within the information itself (e.g., accuracy of references, appropriate use for educational purposes).
None of our directors, employees, or representatives will be liable for damages arising out of the use of this website. This applies to all damages of any kind, including direct, indirect, compensatory, incidental, special, consequential, loss of data, profit or income, loss of or damage to property, and third-party claims.
The prices and availability of products announced on this website are subject to change without notice.
The user agrees that all matters relating to access to, or use of, the website, or linked websites, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Michigan. Subscribers are granted access to content based on the following conditions of enrollment: Individuals enrolled in courseware or provided with login access to educational must have paid the for the course or courses in full. No duplication or redistribution of the content is allowed other than those materials (exercise and assignment documents, workbooks, etc.) provided for the expressed purposes of reprinting and distribution for personal learning. Any redistribution to avoid payment for services rendered or any purpose not expressly approved by the rights-holder is strictly prohibited.
Information collected from users through any registration or purchasing process on this website is intended solely for internal business purposes.
Refund Policy for Software Products
To obtain a refund on a product that was delivered to you online, you must adhere to the following guidelines:
All requests for a refund must be made directly to Leadership Matters, LLC as described below. Your right to obtain a refund for downloaded content products lasts only for a limited time. Your request for a refund must be made to Leadership Matters, LLC within 3 days of the date Leadership Matters, LLC made access to the content available to you for download (the “Purchase Date”). You must email your request to info@theleadershipmatters.com.
Leadership Matters, LLC is not responsible for lost or misdirected mail, delays for downloading, or other communication system delays. If you are concerned that your emailed request for refund may not have been received by Leadership Matters, LLC due to Internet service issues, spam filters or for any other reason, it is your sole responsibility to use postal mail to ensure that a written copy of the request for refund has been delivered. You are encouraged to keep a record of the date posted, and copies of the request for refund and any postal receipts.
Once Leadership Matters, LLC receives your request for refund within the time frame laid out above, Leadership Matters, LLC will provide a refund to you for the amount you paid for the product.
Leadership Matters, LLC will charge a 10% processing fee for all refunds issued, unless otherwise provided for in communication with you during the refund verification process. If you feel you have a valid reason for not having to pay the processing fee (technical issues at the product site, or sudden and unexpected physical impairment, are examples of a ‘valid reason’) please include this information in your request for refund. Refunds will be made in the same manner as you purchased the product.